Tamp This

October 20, 2008, 9:18 pm
Filed under: coffee nonsense | Tags: , , , , ,

I got a new ring!!  It’s official, and announced on by our dear friend, tonx!

( for the girls, he actually proposed with the Vera Wang gown of my dreams… so great..)

We haven’t set a date yet, but we’re working on it…

And we’re featuring all our new crop El Salvadors this week, Single Origin Matalapa and Finca Siberia espressos,  I couldn’t be happier!

1 Rented Car, 2 Chris’, and 2231 Miles.
September 17, 2008, 1:26 am
Filed under: coffee nonsense | Tags: , , , , , ,

The past week has been full of friends, coffee, real talk, beer, junk food, gossip, driving, and not much sleep.  It was pretty awesome.

10 or so hours of driving to Portland

photo by Baca

1 full day chillin’ at albina press, coffeehouse nw, extracto, river city cycles, attempted tattoos, tacos, the bye and bye, and finding nemo on a very large hd tv

photo by Baca

2 dropped cupcakes and a morning bun followed by countless tears (yes, I really did cry after dropping the cupcakes..  another big, big thanks again to Brent and Silas who hand delivered more cupcakes to Seattle from Portland after they heard the story.)

beautiful machine at Extracto

3 more hours in the car to Seattle

lots of hugs on a convention floor, lots of questions about where we live now..

.photo by Ben

loads of lattes were poured and $5,000 was awarded to a super deserving guy, Hiroshi Sawada, who then, rumor has it, donated it all to Coffee Kids!!

playing with Reg’s new tamper and the Marzocco tester at Origins

a couple more hours up to Vancouver, BC where bike shops, coffee houses, roasteries, and equisite cocktails were done!

then a long long long 22 hour drive back to San Francisco…  tomorrow it’s back to making Ritual’s new training program!

Major thanks to our amazing hosts, Brent Fortune (and David George), Ben Helfen and his awesome new girl, Brooke, and Drew Johnson and Leesha in Canada!